Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, June 8, 2024
Pray to the Heart of Jesus in This Month Dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of My Beloved and Divine Son Jesus
Monthly Message of Our Lady of Reconciliation to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on June 5, 2024, the Fifth Day of the Month

Let us be silent, meekly accepting into our hearts the monthly public message that the Most Blessed Virgin of Reconciliation wished to leave us this day, June 5, 2024.
The Virgin Mary appears dressed in blue. She was accompanied by Jesus Our Lord, who was dressed in red. The Blessed Virgin, after making the Sign of the Cross, smiling sweetly said:
Praised be Jesus Christ. Dear children, pray, pray to the Most Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus to receive the peace, the light, the joy, the sweetness, the divine help of the Glorious Redeemer of all Humanity.
Pray to the Heart of Jesus in this month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of My Beloved and Divine Son Jesus.
Pray for peace in the world, pray that every war may soon cease.
Pray for the conversion of poor sinners, for the healing of the physically and spiritually sick.
Pray for everyone and always ask God's forgiveness for all your sins, certain that God will always forgive you if repentant, if contrite.
I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Lord Jesus blesses all the water that was brought this day with the sign of the Holy Cross, and invites us to adore His Holy Wounds.